"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." -Jesus
[Matthew 7:13-14 (NKJV)]

Get Deep With Christ

In the previous writing, it highlighted Paul's determined life purpose.

that I may know Him...

progressively become more deeply

and intimately acquainted with Him,




continually transformed... 

With something so important, "why wait"? We have made things so complicated in this fast buzzing world. We cannot go deep into anything as we move through life skimming the surface. UNPLUG!

With your twitter feeds going nuts, updating facebook, mobile phone apps, kids, spouses, demands, issues...etc. The social fabric has totally lost it's entire perspective amidst productivity enhancement technologies and methods.

The depths of information, knowledge, etc...IS A BLACK HOLE and will never stop. We have enough technology to last us for another 500 years.

Get deep with Christ, not theology, not church, not evangalism, none of this.

Get Deep With Christ!

There is absolutely nothing more important. Nothing is more important than a closer, deeper, relationship with Christ. This was Paul's entire point in Philippians.

As important as this may be, should you choose to go after this to make a change, it will take an IMMENSE EFFORT. Your course has been navigated, etched, formed, cut deep into the tight grips of many other distractions, and giving them up will not be easy.

So think on this...until the next post; where I will expand the framework needed to get started. 

We have made ourselves way too complicated.