"Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." -Jesus
[Matthew 7:13-14 (NKJV)]


This post is one that reads well, yet sounds easier than it looks.

Success. A term measured in numerous ways.  After more than 25 years of learning my own craft, I will admit that this is not the first time I have encountered words of similar wisdom. The initial thought is to implement the words of wisdom, and not three days have passed and the new urgency of the moment has me knee deep in alligators. Thereafter the entire "success factors secret sauce" is diluted daily with the new fire of the day.

one model we like:

Sure you say to yourself, "not me, I am organized, a planner, strategic." That may be so. Whatever, you believe is your edge, more power to you, you are gonna need it. What I have found is even the best laid plan is and will be subject to disaster and chaos. Why, because chaos is the rule rather than the exception.

A plan, method, process, is always subject to refinement, and modification. The plan and method forms the routine and structure that built with consistency, fortitude and together with the right people and God as a partner, increases the likelihood of success in the face of the greatest of storms.

I once heard a pastor say, "Love God with all your heart and soul and you can do anything you want." Realize that, this means accountability, and responsibility to God as well too. No plan together with God can fail.

Nevertheless, whenever we get up and go, the enemy howls the wind, the waves white cap, and the environment becomes chaos. Chaos, at least until you sit back down, where the enemy, smiles and says, "now that's better".

Instead, you are encouraged, to step out of the boat as Peter did, and inside the chaos look to Christ and with Faith, walk on water. The storm will end that is for certain, the question is what will be the end result?

Here to follow is the snap shot of the information forwarded to me from a guest who is an avid Rick Warren reader. Rick certainly walks the talk, and whatever he is doing is working.

My prayers to all whom put this into action. Send us a message if there is anything you would like to share and we will deliver it up in future logs.

Step #1 - Determine your present position
Step #2 - Be specific about what you want
Step #3 - Look for God's promise
Step #4 -- Ask God to help you
Step #5 -- Identify the barriers
Step #6 -- Create a step-by-step plan
Step # 7 -- Be patient and persistent
Step # 8 -- Enlist a team for support
Step # 9 -- You must pay the price

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